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Australia Work Holiday Visa | Latest News

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Australia Work Holiday Visa - Farm Work

Young people on a 417 visa (Australia Work Holiday Visa) have needed to complete 3 months of 'specified work' in a rural area. Often known as farm work the visa applicant needs to evidence 3 months of work to get the 2nd work holiday visa.

With covid concessions from the Australian Government the following regulations apply to work & holiday visas:

  1. Work in the tourism and hospitality sectors anywhere in Australia may now work for up to 12 months with the same employer or organisation without requesting prior permission. This provision is due to end on 31-Dec-2022.

  1. Tourism and hospitality work carried out from 22 June 2021 in northern or remote and very remote Australia will be considered eligible specified work for the purpose of a second or third Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa application lodged from 5 March 2022.

Australia Work Holiday Visa News
Work Holiday Visa | Latest News

Approved Industries and Areas For Specified Work

The following industries and areas are approved for specified work:

  • tourism and hospitality in northern or remote and very remote Australia, from 22 June 2021

  • plant and animal cultivation in regional Australia

  • fishing and pearling in regional Australia

  • tree farming and felling in regional Australia

  • mining in regional Australia

  • construction in regional Australia

  • bushfire recovery work in declared bushfire affected areas only, after 31 July 2019

  • flood recovery work in declared flood recovery areas only, undertaken on or after 1 January 2022, for applications lodged on or after 01 July 2022

  • critical COVID-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors anywhere in Australia, after 31 January 2020

In support of the Government's continuing initiatives to address the current labour shortages in Australia, the Department is temporarily applying flexibility to the specified work requirement, giving greater weight to the specified work industry. This means that work which supports the ongoing operations of a specified industry in an eligible postcode may be accepted.

Options for Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) | Flood Affected Communities

Working Holiday (subclass 417) and Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa holders can count paid and volunteer flood recovery work undertaken from 1 January 2022 in flood affected areas as ‘specified work’ for the purpose of applying for a second or third WHM visa.

This option is available for WHM visa applications lodged from 01 July 2022.

UK – Australia Free Trade Agreement

It's looking less and less likely that the FTA will be ratified by the UK & Australia Governments any time soon due to upheaval on the UK political scene.

New age concession (18-35yo) not yet implemented for UK passport holders. It may be late 2023 before UK citizens can avail of the new Mobility Work Holiday Visa.

When the new visa is implemented UK passport holders will not be required to complete farm work to be eligible for the 2nd or 3rd work holiday visa. This is welcome news indeed!

Note: Age concession introduced for UK Passport holders from 01/07/2023

Upper Age limit: 35yo

Age Concession Work Holiday Visa

From 1 July 2022 the age limit for Italian and Danish citizens wanting to work and travel in Australia will increase by five years – from 30 to 35 years of age.

Australian citizens up to the age of 35 will also benefit from reciprocal arrangements with Italy and Denmark.

Australia has previously negotiated arrangements on a reciprocal basis with Canada, France and Ireland to expand the eligible age range for WHM applicants to 35 years.

Work Holiday Visa: Apply in 3 Easy Steps

Use our online facility to make your Australia Work Holiday Visa Application.

Oz Visa - Dublin

Australia Immigration Consultants

77 Camden Street Lwr Dublin 2

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